Getting Started with Giraffe

less than 1 minute read

Giraffe is framework that allow you to take advantage of ASP.NET Core in a functional manner.


You will need to make sure that the [.NET Core SDK][microsoft-sdk-core] is installed

Downloading the template

The easier way to get started is by creating a basic project using a template. You can download the template by running the following in your console

dotnet new -i giraffe-template::*

If this is the first time, you run the dotnet commands, it will do basic setup first before downloading the template.

Creating a project

After downloading the template, navigate to the directory you want your project to be in and run the following

dotnet new giraffe -n yourProjectName

Then download the required packages and libraries with

dotnet restore

Running the project

Now run the following command to view your new site. By default, the site is at http://localhost:5000/.

dotnet run